I've been observing this case since the 1st day it appear and believe me, I don't like it a bit. To tell you the truth, why the hell is this guy, Ahmad Ismail is doing all this unapologised racist remarks and some more, now blaming everyone else but himself. To make matter worst, he is now back by so many mindless guy, so call leaders of Penang UMNO branch, who at one time, ask all the Penang projects to be scrapped when the BN lost most of their sits back in the General Election 6 months ago.
Speaking about scrapping the project, my blood boils again. How could they ask this mega projects to be scrapped? Well, for your information, they ask all those mega projects, which will be benefited by Penang occupants, to be scrapped because they said Penang people do not deserve it at all as they are bunch of deserveless pricks who chose opposition as their leader eventhough they have done a lot (is that so?). I was very dissapointed in them for saying such words. They should be helping the Penang people with their heart and should realised that eventhough they have lost this battle of supremacy, they can always come back stronger to help the people in Penang but this mindless group of guys chose to hit back hard on the people who once elected them......or at least their party. This definately shows the unwillingness to help in the first place. This shows, they help Penang people not with their heart, but the position they can get in the party.......or should i say, the money that comes with it.
Well, i'm not going to talk more about this group of people who betray people of Penang, but instead, i want to talk about this guy who decided to become famous over night by talking about racist issue in a country full of people from different ethnic. He migth have his own explaination on this and to tell you the truth, i was on his side initially as i've thought that the press might be misquoting him or some sort but i was damn wrong about it. Maybe the press misquote him or something but the way he defended it some sort give me the idea that he did said all these and might be a racist as well. Its not a surprise as i did came across a lot of people who don't like other races. I've seen a lot of these people and how they crumble under their own act. For me, i'm kinda sad to see these people as they are wasting their live to create more hatred inside their heart. Perhaps there might be people from other race who hurt him before and thus this ill feeling but i would say, this is just a simple coincidence. He or she should not blame the race that the person is from, but instead think about what have caused all this thing in the 1st place.
So for this guy, Ahmad Ismail, to defend his racist remarks as thought he has not done anything wrong to come this far is simple remarkable. To have his supporters teared up the picture of our previous leaders was also not a good sign in his faith to solve this problem. Well, he did say he did not asked his supporters to tear the picture to pieces but definately he did not say he ask them not to anyway. So, what's the moral of the story here?.........Say no, but at the same time, say yes?......
Well, as one of the citizen of Malaysia, i would strongly ask our PM to solve this issue as fast as possible as i still love my country and i don't want this issue to destroy all that. I believe that a lot of people living among us are racist but they just don't say it out loud or perhaps act that so obvious. What Najib has done by saying sorry to everyone is the correct way to calm everything down and i bet, most of us who got angry by the racist remark made by that guy, kinda happy for a little while but it just lasted for maybe few hours as after that, this guy pops up and redo everything again. Haih......what a dissapointment. Imagine me, a rakyat myself, who just read reports from newspapers and TV news can say all this, perhaps some will say that i know a little only to be angry or sad, but i would say, I know enough to justify a lot of people's anger. So now, I don't want to see him apologise for his action anymore becasue that time given for him to do so has expired. Now, I, eh.......i don't think its only me, everyone would like action to be taken against him by his own party and if the latter don't do so, then we know who is the racist gang already.
Bottom line is, i would like UMNO themselves take action on this guy and perhaps try to come out with a regulation to avoid of this repeatition. Same goes to other political parties, let it be MCA, Gerakan, PAS, Keadilan or any other component party, please, take care of our country, we just want to leave in harmony. Remember, we as rakyat elected you guys, if not all, to protect us and not to kill us just because we want a change of leaders. Don't blame us of what we have done, just blame on yourself of what you have become.........
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