Elizabeth Wong Naked Pictures

22th February 2009
It has been a while since i took a swipe on our political arena and this time, somehow or rather, this fate of Elizabeth Wong took a wrong turn at the wrong time. While so many people are cross firing each other to gain political advantage, she somehow, end up in the wrong place at the shooting board.

For me, i would say she has been taken advantage of and not from her dignity, based on the photo, but political gain by others. How could a person's private life be exposed out by a 'criminal' and yet, the victim herself being blame and accused for it. Seems that taking a swipe at the victim at this moment is like an act to encourage this kind of crime to happen more. Where is the possible justice in all this and bear in mind, i haven't talk about politics just yet. We are talking about human right here and some politicians even said that, once you are a 'Wakil Rakyat' (assemblywoman), there should not be any privacy for you. All this craps makes me want to puke. People who say this, or should i say, even think about this should be drop from any position representing people. How can they think that once you are representing people, you don't have private life anymore and i don't think any assemblyman need to sign papers indicating their personal life can be poured out in the open for public viewing. People's private life means people's private life and there is no law saying otherwise. Whoever go across the line on this matter should be punished without any doubt.

Politicians who took advantage on this should be re-elect again by the people because once you come out saying no good about Elizabeth Wong, who is the victim if you still don't get it, its like discrediting yourself and i bet, people who voted you last time should be able to 'open eyes wide wide' on who you really are. For me at least, i would think he/she should not be representing me anymore as i deem him/her not fit just simply by thinking that assemblyman don't have any privacy even at the comfort of their own home. This is baseless and brainless to say the least.

I was damn surprise when this Toyol.......eh i mean Khir Toyo...... ask her to resign instead of protecting her base on human rights. Well, he said “She is a single person. How can she allow a man into her room when they are not married?”......Last time i check, Non-Bumi is not subjected to this law right? or am I wrong? If they said this Malay boyfriend of hers is subjected to Islamic law, who should not be doing this at all in the first place, then go after that bloody bloke then. Let’s admit and acknowledge that for a wide section of the public, the vast majority of us as normal human beings, there are boyfriends and girlfriends and intimate moments of great privacy.If a partner violates that privacy for any reason, the other party is not to blame, the blame lies with the person who broke that trust. Somehow, this issue has been turn into a gain for some politicians and this Toyo seems the first one to take up the chance but what he did not notice is, he took the wrong swipe on the wrong topic. Let say , if a person put a hidden camera inside his house bathroom and manage to take pictures of him urinating and go to public with these pictures saying "He purposely show it to me", should he resign then? Neh.......i don't think so.....he will start cursing and asking police to nab the culprit as his, so called, privacy has been invaded..........

For Elizabeth Wong, i have only this comment to you....... DON'T RESIGN. People voted you of your personalities and qualities and not based on this privacy things of yours. The TV news that showed interviewed resident at your place demanding you to step down for this disgraced are actually actors and if you notice, they only showed this comment and none of them are on your side. Don't you think this is all act of opposition.......... and yes....i said OPPOSITION (Barisan National - BN) to bring you down (This is the answer to BN's question on "Why accuse BN on this matter?"). Bear in mind that i'm not accusing BN of circulating the pictures of Elizabeth Wong but then again, i'm not saying they are not either but don't put this thing on your(BN) advantage either as you are going against human rights and its our rights as well. If you (BN) can't protect this, how do you expect us to expect you to protect us? Use brain.......use brain. For Elizabeth Wong, i would say, WE back you up on this and resigning should not be an option as you still have our confident and we still need you to carry on with your job which we had dedicated to you. Take this as a challenge in life. The more insecure you show to public on this matter, the more attacks will be directed to you and if you lose this battle, not only it shows BN win this battle but also, it shows that human rights does not exist anymore.

If you are looking for the pictures, you won't find it here.

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