Sorry but i need to voice my view on this matter. It has come to my attention that lately, we have been hearing the news about Terengganu MB (picture below standing with our PM) acquiring new fancy car for his state excos and not forgetting himself.
Buying Mercedes E200 for themselves......? I would think, in my opinion, they have crossed their boundary in serving the Rakyat. Well, i guess some of you would definately agree with me but then, some of you may not. Then again, we all have our own perspective right but for now, pls bear with me.
What i'm kinda fed-up is that, the justifications given by them are all pure nonsense and me, as a Rakyat myself, and luckily he is not my MB, else, is not really too happy with his action at all.
That particular MB even appear on TV3 few days before and back his view on why he purchased all those fancy cars and even the way he talked with the reporters was kinda sarcastically presented. He keeps mumbling that Perdana V6 are costly to maintain and all but end up buying Mercedes which i think, if they continue to drive like that, then it could be much worst.
Bottom line is that, this Terengganu MB should take note again on his status and purpose he is elected up there. He was elected to represent the state, to represent the poor, to represent the different ethnic and culture, to represent the people basically. How could be make a judgement to spend RM3.43mil when he still have poor people in his state? How can he justify that? Well, easy, he would say, we have budget for that, and the car, we have budget for that too. Well, screw that budget. If you have heart to serve the Rakyat, then every RM counts man........every RM........Even RM1mil going to charity helps a lot. Does he knows that? Or thinking about his own pocket come first?
I guess we need to look into this guy activity from now on as we might not know what he is capable of doing at the back.
I really thought that when we elected them, they should be serving us and not themselves. They should be buying us the cars instead......hahaha. I think i'm a little bit off my main goal already.
Well, bottom line is, I really don't think that they should be doing all this. Every sen should be going to the Rakyat to improve their life style if they really have the Rakyat at heart.
28th July 2008
I was thinking, why not the Goverment just instruct the T'ganu MB to distribute(sell/loan) the Mercedes to all the states in Malaysia with each state having one for the MB usage. This would therefore be more fair to all the states, else each state later would want to purchase the fancy car themselves.
Decision to leave the Merc in Terengganu itself for foreign dignitries to use is not a good idea as how often would this be happening? And furthermore, the justification to let the state exco to use the Merc once in a while will always spark jelousy among other state excos as well and at the end, other states will follow suite in purchasing these fancy cars.
Distribution is the key and pls do accordingly and fast.
1 comment:
27th July 2008
In the news today, even the Penang Goverment is now thinking of getting Toyota Camry for their Government Fancy Transportation to move about. I hope they are joking else, they will be the next person in hot soup with me. I thought they were elected to serve the rakyat but seems to me their money minded thinking has started to creep in and if this were to go on, might as well we change back to BN ruling party again. Please don't us for granted.
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